Posts tagged Yoga
Yoga & Christmas

One of my Yoga teachers said, that if someone thinks they have reached enlightenment through yoga, then they should spend a few days at Christmas with their family or family in-law. Nothing better to put you back on track. So, don’t expect this holiday season to be perfect, but appreciate it as it is and learn how to keep your calm. Today I wanted to share with you some ideas of how we can use yoga as a tool to help us during a Family Christmas.

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Going out of your comfort zone - on and off the mat

The asana practice is not all sun salutations and pretty postures in which you can manage a smile, there are hard moments, hard times. We are trying to keep a steady ujjayi breath through the whole series, but some positions are so intense for the body and mind that this is not simple. Many people ask why do you do these crazy positions every day? Why the struggle, why put yourself through that? For me the answer is simple…

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Yoga & Travel 

As summer has finally arrived and the holiday season is upon us, it’s a good moment to talk about keeping a regular yoga practice while away. Is rolling out your travel yoga mat easy or not so much?

How to keep a steady practice while traveling? Whether it’s a summer holiday, a work-related trip or maybe just family visit, it’s important to know how to stay motivated to keep up with your regular practice.

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Going deeper into the yoga practice “AHIMSA – NON-HARM”

When most people hear you’re practicing yoga, they think only of the asana practice: beautiful, skinny yogis doing really advanced postures. But the asana practice is only one of the eight limbs of yoga. Practicing Ashtanga Yoga means practicing all of the eight limbs. With this post I’m starting a short a series dedicated to how I understand the first two limbs of Ashtanga Yoga: the Yamas and Niyamas.

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Manju Jois, the most positive yoga teacher

A few days ago, I finished my fifth workshop with one of my favourite Ashtanga Yoga teachers. As both a yoga student and teacher myself, I strongly feel we need to be constantly inspired to keep our own practice and teachings on the highest level. One teacher training course will never make a great yoga teacher, it is a lifetime journey we have to commit to, and I am on it all the way and not turning back.

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